Thomas Friese

CEO / Commander

Erik Jörn

CEO / Head of insurance

Jonas Paul Klatt

Head of Marketing


The URA was founded in 2024 by Mr. Friese. Our mission is to support people in need in crisis-affected areas. Operating globally, we seek dedicated individuals from all fields to join us in improving the living conditions of those in need. The URA is a global nonprofit organization specializing in rapid and efficient civil defence. Using innovative technologies such as drones and relief ships, we deliver swift aid to crisis zones. Our work is grounded in the principles of transparency, effectiveness, and the integration of technology into humanitarian efforts. In addition to providing direct assistance, we are committed to improving global civil defence standards through political advocacy for long-term impact.


By 2026, the Unity Relief Alliance (URA) will be recognized as the world’s leading organization in civil defence. Through the use of cutting-edge technologies and transparent, continuous communication, URA will strengthen the trust of the international community and drive long-term political change in civil defence practices.

Core Values:

  • Innovation: Leveraging state-of-the-art technologies to deliver rapid and effective aid.
  • Transparency: Clear and open communication about our work and resources.
  • Commitment: A passionate team dedicated to improving the living conditions of those in need.
  • Sustainability: Long-term solutions to enhance the quality of life and resilience of affected communities.
  • Collaboration: International partnerships and cooperation to achieve greater collective impact.
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